Fun Art ideas at home
Below are a videos of some nice art activities that you may wish to try.
Drawing what you can see – observational drawing – is the single best way to improve your looking and drawing skills. Draw something different as often as you can: big things, small things, things that might move, things that won’t…Sit underneath and look up…Find somewhere safe that’s relatively high and look down…Try drawing something really fast…then give yourself longer - and don’t give up.
The Asmolean Museum’s Twitter feed and Facebook page is good at putting up a different object each day and asking people what they can make of it. But you can find your own ideas – or even copy from books.
Try different skills and media – potato print, crayon, paint, pencil, felt pen, weaving, collage and try and find the thing you really like to do – and then keep practising it. You will improve.
And try and find a great artist’s work as an example or starting point. You might have pictures or you could go online ( see below). Turner went up to the Penrith Castle and drew and painted that – from more than one angle. Worth remembering that most great artists didn’t have the internet!
It would be great if you could send us your art working for us to see, celebrate and share.
Reception - Y4
Something for everyone
KS2 Turner painted Penrith Castle!
Y2 –Y6 Use digital paint to embellish your choice of art work – then send it to The Tate
TheMet Something for all ages
Top Printing Guide– and more great ideas which work and mini videos to show how kids to do it.
After looking at some Lowry works you can try
How to draw streets and people in the Lowry style – step by step guide
MOMA : Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, New York has a good, comprehensive range of ideas for how to start you and your kids talking about art and slowing them down enough to observe art works!
Points, activity, worksheets and power points and slideshows to choose from covering some of the highlights in their collection, they cover a wide age group, you may have to click through but there is plenty for primary aged kids
It’s also worth a look at their mini-guide to learning with children when using an artwork as a starting point on YouTube : MoMa’s 5 Tips for Teaching with Works of Art to be found on the page link above
The National Gallery has a set of paintings for all Primary aged children in their “Take One Picture” set of Teacher’s notes – more help needed with younger children
Choose a painting, scroll through the notes together – then look for the activity suggestions at the very end of the notes.
e.g on Saint George and The Dragon
IMAGE BANKS and Virtual Tours
ArtUK is the home of every public art collection in the UK – this is a vast image bank – it’s good for putting together a group of paintings under a theme you can type in – for example – type in “parrot” and you will find over 60 works to compare!
The Royal Academy has collected themes together – some of which are good for kids to look at, like this doggy one! which is great for inspiration - and has a fab collection of art based gifs and memes for school pupils at COOL!
There are lots of other creative ideas out there – it would be amazing if children and families could tell us what they do and what they find, so that we can share their achievements and ideas.