Beaconside C of E Primary School & Acorn Nursery

Learning to live, Learning to shine.

Beaconside C of E Primary School & Acorn Nursery

“Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works” (Matthew 5:16)

Welcome to parents of Reception class children.  Your Parentlink group is here.



Our reception children will be supported in their learning by a team of highly valued teaching assistants working alongside the class teachers. Throughout your child's reception year at Beaconside, we believe that their social, emotional and academic development is vital.  Our skilled and experienced Early Years Team will provide a friendly, welcoming and stimulating learning environment where all children will be helped to grow in confidence, self-assurance and independence and be encouraged to develop their natural curiosity, willingness to try new things and resilience to keep on trying even when learning is tricky.

We want our children to be proud of their own and other's achievements.

Starting school

If you have a child due to start Reception class in September 2024, you can complete an application online at www.cumbria.gov.uk/schooladmissions.  If you would like to come and have a look around school, please telephone our office on 01768 840868 and we will arrange a tour of our fantastic facilities.


At Beaconside we are proud of our school uniform and believe that it helps children to feel part of the school community.  You can find our uniform under Key Information at the top of the page. Please ensure that all uniform is clearly named as this help us to find and return missing items.

Reception children will have access to outside learning in all weathers and it is strongly advisable for your child to keep welly boots and waterproof trousers in school.

For safety reasons, jewellery is not to be worn in school.

Coming to school safely

There are several entrances into school from the gates on Hutton Hill, Brent Road or from Eden Mount.  Please take care to use the footpaths around the school buildings rather than walking across the car parks and ensure that all gates are closed behind you.

In the interest of safety for all our children, and you are bringing your children to school by car, please park carefully and considerately and well away from the gates and zig-zag lines.  Please do not use the school car parks when dropping off or collecting children.  However, if you feel you need to use the car parks due to mobility needs for you or your child, then please speak to the school office to request a car park permit.

The School Day

The Reception unit doors will open at 8.45 and we expect all children to be in the unit and ready to work by 9am. Parents should bring their children into the unit to their registration area.  This gives you the chance to talk with staff to share concerns or successes from home or pass on any other important messages.  In order to keep our children safe, our unit doors will be locked at 9am.  If you arrive after this time, please go to the main entrance and register your child at the school office.


Each child has a names cloakroom peg.  Please encourage your child to hang up their own coat.  Welly bags are also hung here.  Please come into the unit with your child and take them to their class area.  Your child will need to put their book bag in their drawer and their water bottle in the tray.  You are very welcome to stay with your child to share a book or join an activity until the register bell rings at 9am.

Our Curriculum

In our Reception Unit, learning is based on a range of topics built around the children's interests. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in Reception will build upon the opportunities the children have had in their previous nursery or childminder provision.  Much of the children's learning will continue to be facilitated through active and practical play-based activities, where the children are encouraged to make their own choices about what they wish to do and discover.  Children can, during these times, access activities throughout the whole unit, both indoors and outside and play with their friends from all class groups.  The staff will also work with the children in groups or individually using direct teaching of new knowledge and skills.  Children will have opportunities for challenge within the continuous provision to practice and consolidate new learning.

Phonics will be taught daily through discrete sessions, but will also form part of the reading and writing teaching.

Writing is taught through individual handwriting activities, individual shared writing and whole class group writing.  We teach the children to use a cursive script when writing.

Maths is taught daily through small group and whole class activities.  During the summer term children will begin to experience weekly challenge ready for moving into year 1.

The children will take part in PE lessons twice a week.  Children will need a PE kit consisting of a plain white t-shirt and plain black shorts.

RE, music and outdoor learning are also taught as separate subjects throughout the week.

Staff are always available to discuss your child's progress with you and there are planned parents evenings throughout the year to enable you to do this in greater detail. We value your role as the early educators of your child at home and welcome your contributions to inform us of your child's progress and achievements.

Collective Worship

Reception children will take part in daily Collective Worship alongside the infant children and once a week as part of the whole school.  You will be invited to join us throughout the year for our special Worship Times being held either at school or St Andrew's Church.


Lunchtime can be daunting at first for some children when they start school, however, our mid-day supervisors will support them with cutting up food as necessary and encouraging reluctant eaters to try small amounts of new or unfamiliar foods.

For the first couple of weeks the Early Years staff will also support the children at lunchtime until they become confident with the routine and get to know the mid-day supervisors.

If your child has a food allergy, intolerence or other dietary needs, please talk to your child' teacher and we can arrange for you to discuss your child's needs with our cook, Mrs Maureen Kerr.

Going home from school

At the end of the school day, the Reception unit doors will be opened from 3.10pm and parents and carers will be invited into the unit to collect their child. all children are expected to be collected by 3.20pm. to help reduce congestion at this time, please can prams and buggies be left outside.


In Reception, the children are expected to share books or practice their reading on a daily basis.  Additional activities may also sometimes be sent home and children are encouraged to complete these whenever possible.

Holidays during term time are not permitted except in exceptional circumstances.  Prior to booking any time off school for your child, please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with a member of the Leadership Team to discuss this further.


If your child is not well enough to come to school or will be late due to an appointment, please ring the school office to inform us as soon as possible. If you ring before 8.30am and no-one is available to take your call then please leave a message on the answer machine.