How we teach Foundation Subjects at Beaconside.
The 2 year programmes ensure that we offer consistent quality, knowledge and skills coverage to all children and also allows us the flexibility to accommodate variations in pupil numbers without adversely affecting our teaching and learning.
Our curriculum is taught largely though a cross curricular structure of themed topics. These may be directly linked to very specific areas identified in the National Curriculum as essential for children's learning but more often will be chosen by the teachers because of their relevance to the children and their experience of life, celebrating the richness of our local and regional heritage and landscape. Whatever the theme it will encompass all the key areas of learning and skills that prepare the children for successful transition between the key stages of the education.
Some subjects such as maths will be taught mainly as stand alone subjects within our timetable, however outside this core provision teachers will still plan for ways in which these can be taught in a clear context and areas of understanding may be revisited as part of the cross curricular topic theme or key skills called upon to deepen the children's learning and understanding.
Our Two Year Cycle